Mini Fiber Arts Classes

  • Saturday, 10:30am – 1:00pm: Sock Blank Dyeing with Kristie Carr from Fiber Stash Dyeworks
  • Saturday, 2:00 – 3:00pm: Lucet Cords and Loomette Weavings with Annie LaBrecque from West Canaan Art
  • Sunday, 10:30am – 12:30pm: Braiding with Wool with Sue Carey from Marble Meadows Farm

These mini fiber arts workshops are a great way to learn a new fiber arts skill with a smaller time commitment than our regular fiber arts classes.

There is a materials fee for each class that will be paid directly to the instructor. These classes are limited in size, and are first come. Once the class is full, the door will be closed.

The Hands-on Demos are held in Heritage Hall.