Food & Drink at the Festival
Flag Hill Farm – hard cider, fruit brandies, cider vinegars
Fresco Catering – breakfast sandwiches, pastries, mac & cheese, lamb chili, corn
chowder, lamb burgers, turkey club and other sandwiches, drinks
The Karibbean – jerk chicken or pork, oxtail curry, goat creole, drinks
Kiss the Cow Farm – farm made ice cream
Orange County Maple Producers – maple shakes & cremees, donuts, maple candies &
cotton candy, syrup & maple cream, coffee, water
The Spicy Spoke – breakfast burritos or quesadillas, ginger sesame rice noodle
bowls, homemade guacamole
Sunnybrook Catering – vegetarian chili, beef stew, butternut squash soup, mac &
cheese, apple crisp, pumpkin cake, cookies, hot & cold drinks
Sustainable Eats Food Truck – soups, salads, sweet potato sandwich, sausage or
Hungarian or knackwurst sandwiches, chicken dish, coffee & tea drinks, smoothies,
beverages, desserts
Wicked Awesome BBQ – pulled pork or chicken, brisket, fries, beans, coleslaw