The Dancing Pony Sheep Farm

The Dancing Pony Sheep Farm | Paula Aarons | Gilsum, NH | 603-358-5146 |

Jacob and Romney Sheep

The Dancing Pony Sheep Farm is a home to 14 Jacob and 8 Romney sheep. We love the variance of the two breeds for their “Yin Yang” balance. The wool is also wonderfully varied and provides us with multiple product streams that are luscious to touch and highly valued by spinners and knitters. We sell raw fleece, Jacob roving, and yarn in many natural colors as well as an earthy palette of hand dyed colors. In order to waste nothing, we have also begun a line of green processed, handmade wool sleeping pillows. We find them to be extremely supportive, naturally temperature regulating, and they will not mold or get dust mites. The pillows are covered with a zip cover and can also be purchased with a sheep portrait pillow case, the original artwork done by my husband Peter Granucci. In addition, we also sell livestock to other farms and occasionally have sheepskins.

The Dancing Pony is committed to breeding registered Jacob sheep in order to maintain breed standard as determined by the Jacob Sheep Breeders Association. It is also the home to 2 shepherds, (one former dancer and one nationally known oil painter), 15 chickens, 3 ducks and 4 cats.

The Dancing Pony Sheep Farm at Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival

Why Wool PIllows?

100% “Green” Wool – No petroleum products
Prevents dust mites
Adjusts to your sleep needs