rePlay Arts

Sustainable Arts & Crafts

rePlay Arts at Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival

rePlay Arts is a community based arts organization with a mission to inspire and promote environmentally sustainable practices through creative reuse. We offer hands-on opportunities that highlight the importance of sustainability, creativity and experiential learning for audiences of all ages and abilities.

rePlay Arts collects gently used art and craft supplies, manufacturing leftovers and other no longer needed materials that can be reused for artmaking. We redistribute them to the community through arts experiences, education programs, and sales of low- or no-cost art supplies. Hands-on arts workshops highlight creativity and sustainability and provide opportunities for experimentation and play. By thinking outside of the box, we keep these materials out of landfills and turn them into hands-on art experiences for everyone. For more information visit

rePlay Arts and CraftStudies will be facilitating hands-on fiber craft projects for all ages during the festival including a community cross stitch and bracelet-making using recycled materials.